Saturday, April 26, 2014

My first english post! :P

Hey peeps! This is my first time using english in my blog, hope u guys don't mind as my grammar is turning up and down, ahahaha! :P

This is our first presentation! We all dressed up tidily and neatly with our formal clothes! Are we look smart? Yes we are...hahahhaha....Let me do some short introduction, the first guy with spiky hair is our leader, Aravind. He always said that im a small kid and im always laughing. In fact, he laughs everyday too. Loled. Okay, the gorgeous girl lining up in the second place is Vaani. She is a talkative and friendly girl. She loves to play badminton too! I would like to play badminton with her once if i given a chance =P.  The third cute girl is Atikah. A shiest and most humble girl I've seen, haha! Next, the pink gal is me! And the next next girl is Saranyah, a girl who always said that im a cute girl, keep cooperate with Aravind and bully me!! hahaha! The last guy sit alone in right side is Akmal, he is a funny and friendly guy. Maybe he don't know he always spurt out funny stuff unconsciously,hahahhahaha..(and it's probably my fault too..for having such low EQ...erm..ok..)

I feel so blessed that i did very well that day! Thx my mom for giving birth me, thx my bro for...thx my aunt, uncle....(just ignore this line)

Seriously this is a restless week. After our presentation, we have to go back for our writing report. When we thought we finished the whole thing, we realized that we left out some parts. That moment I was like 'Oh, Shit!'. So, Aravind, Akmal and I was gathered up on the next day and rushed the report together. At last, we completed it and passed it up on time, at least we didn't messed up the thing.

Alright, final exams is coming soon, hope i can get good results to maintain my scholarship, lol...

Good luck to all of u as well as me..hahaha! =P

Saturday, April 19, 2014

2014 Hello MMU!

深吸空气,举起脚步,抬头挺胸,展望大学的各个角落……Hello MMU!





                                                    还有用心和血做出的story board @@

哈哈,看到这相片,我有必要跟大家解释一下。本来咧,我们是要去Japan Culture Society所举办的‘鬼屋’活动,结果阴差阳错就来到了I-Nite。当我们进入会场时,我环顾四周狐疑地问:“这里一点都不像鬼屋!我们有来对地方吗?”Fan耸耸肩说:“我觉得很奇怪咧。”

然后,我屁颠屁颠地去抓了一位committee来问:“Is this the ghost house?”然后那位欠打的committee变奸笑边说:“Ya, this is the ghost house, please come in.” (奸笑的部分是我自己加进去的)这event那么多人,敢情他们都是像我一样被骗进去的吧?==(呃,不要笑我……)



                                               对了, 还有免费red bull喝哦……hehehe……



说到鬼屋,本来我们兴致勃勃来到鬼屋地点,卷起袖子准备大步流星走进去。结果才走到鬼屋外面,我就想掉头走掉……开玩笑,鬼屋耶!!我一生人最怕的只有两种东西……(一:昆虫    二:鬼)而且去到那里还要等咧!心都紧张得跳出来了,还不要给我们进去哦……

先介绍一下我的组员:Fan,Akmal,Aravind。我这组可说包含了三大种族,因为我和Fan是华人,Akmal是马来人,Aravind是印度人 xDDD(都是咱的Classmates)。对了,还有一个被调去另外一组的Vee Nee和她那可爱的妹妹,顺便mention一下啦xD。


然后我渐渐地睁开眼睛看看周围,才发觉原来并没有我想象中的那么恐怖,可是我心里还是觉得害怕的,呵呵呵……所以嘴里一直和鬼们打招呼,一来是要去除心中的害怕,二来是不要让那些鬼接近我。我发现,当我跟他们say hi的时候,他们摆了个无趣的脸,就走掉了,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……有种扳回一城的感觉xDDDD


大学真的好多好多有趣的活动,而且这里的学习环境非常良好,所以总结来说:我喜欢MMU xD